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Pickleball Rule丨What is the double bounce rule in pickleball?


The Pickleball Double Bounce Rule is one of the most infamous pickleball regulations. Along with kitchen rules, this is the one that might trip up newbies the most. However, like most rules in sports, they exist for specific reasons that can be intriguing to investigate. I'll provide you some starting suggestions for effortlessly memorizing it. Don't worry, it's not that difficult!



The Pickleball Double Bounce Rule

The Double Bounce Rule's goal is to provide for a smooth transition into the dinking and rally stages of the game. I'll go into more detail about this later. Keep in mind that this regulation does not permit the ball to bounce twice on your side of the court. As you are aware, allowing the ball to bounce twice on your side results in an immediate loss of the point. For the serve and return shots, this rule merely states that the ball must bounce once on each side. The bounce must happen on both sides of the court, hence the name "Double Bounce Rule."


"4.H. Double Bounce Rule," according to the official tournament rules of the IFP (International Federation of Pickleball). Before striking the ball, the serve and service return must be allowed to bounce. That is, on the first shot after the serve, each side must play a groundstroke. Following the initial groundstrokes, play may include volleys."


For clarification, a “volley” is a shot made while the ball has not yet bounced. In other words, it’s hit in mid-air before it has time to hit the ground.


Let’s walk through the double bounce rule step-by-step.

The Serve and Return

The server must serve to the side of the court diagonally opposite them and beyond the non-volley zone line. The receiving player must allow the ball to bounce once before returning to the side of the serving team.  


The serving side will then let the ball bounce once before returning it to the receiving players. Then everything goes, and any play on the ball (before or after the bounce) can be made until the next serve.


This rule eliminates the serve and volley advantage and allows each rally to last longer.


Tips for remembering the rule

Beginners frequently overlook the Double Bounce Rule because it does not appear to be a natural way to play. When I was younger, I would frequently break this rule by doing a huge slam on the return serve, resulting in an explosion of laughing, followed by a slouch by me. The rule exists for a reason, which I'll explain later, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier to remember.


The best way to remember the rule is to stand far back in the court when returning a serve. Try to consciously take a few steps backward to remind yourself that you have to let the ball bounce. Another mistake that you see all the time is where someone on the serving side of the court will move up to quickly after the serve is made. It’s common for beginners to start moving towards the net once a serve is made, but this is a mistake. If the return is deep and heading towards you, it will probably land near your feet and will be difficult to hit after it bounces. So remember, stay back!

The Double Bounce Rule will become a natural part of your game with some practice. You'll probably forget it's even a rule at some time in the future! It simply takes some practice for your body and mind to adjust. Best of luck on the court!

There are some pro pickleball paddle for you that can help you get the double bounce more fluent.

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